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Samantha Li-Bogard
Full Name: Samantha Li-Bogard

Series: Original
Class: Mercenary/Martial Artist

Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female
Species: Demi-Human
Age: Mid 20s
Birthdate: 28th of December
Height: 5'2" (155cm)
Weight: 128lbs (58kg)

Short Description: "...even if I don't win then I'll make sure they never forget me. Not in a million years..." ~Samantha Li-Bogard ( June 20th, 2004 )

Born in the doomed multidimensional city of NeoTokyo, and raised to relative maturity by a close-knit group of martial artists on her father's homeworld, existence was never normal for Sammy Li-Bogard. But when she entered the legendary 'King of Fighters' tournament in her youth, life took a turn for the dramatic - and it has never slowed down since. This feline half-breed has lived in a series of alternate realities without ever truly settling down; she has served as a mercenary, she has fallen in love, saved and in turn been saved, she has acted as vessel for a misguided goddess, wielded power far beyond mortal reason... And she has died, more than once. But the walls of Hell itself could not hold her, and she has returned to the living - older, wiser, and completely alone. Bereft of family, lost to her friends, there yet remains one bond that persists throughout the multiversi. A bond that could reignite a dwindling flame, for better or for worse.

Theme Song: King of Fighters '96 AST - Fairy, Megadeth - Die Dead Enough

Samantha Li-Bogard
First impressions count for a great deal, and with this young woman there is no getting beyond the obvious fact that she is only predominantly human, thanks to the addition of a sleek, black-furred tail and feline ears to her athletic form. Which is not to say she is otherwise unremarkable. Short in stature, Samantha has compensated for her height by honing a figure as toned and strong as it is graceful - giving her a somewhat stocky appearance, wide in shoulder and firm of back. Poised in the most natural sense, the subtleties of her movements are expressed with a quiet confidence, an animal ease of being which speaks volumes of her underlying character. The effect is only accentuated by the constant flow of her tail.

Her features, as might be expected, are pretty indeed; petite nose, generous full-lipped mouth and freckle-free skin with just a hint of Oriental pallor, all set into a pleasantly rounded face which has regrettably lost the alabaster delicacy of youth. The marks of maturity show about her brow, cheeks and even around her eyes, though these have lost none of their ethereal beauty. A cool sapphire blue, they are infinitely expressive, alternately glimmering or smouldering according to her mood. The whole package is framed by twin sweeps of silky black hair, which falls to the shoulders - though the bulk is pulled into a loose twist at the back of her head, away from her ears, secured by the lacquered length of a folded fan.

This is by far the most ladylike part of her outfit. On her torso she wears a white tank top, cut short at the midriff to reveal a small expanse of pale flesh set around tightly wound abdominal muscles. Her bust is of a size somewhere between small and average, and the top is flattering without revealing much; sex appeal is likely not a priority. Worn open over it is a rough garment of thick beige corduroy. Somewhere between a jacket and body-warmer, it has a warm, tufted lining and a collar of the same material. Practical pewter buttons line its front, as well as the breast pockets - the right of which is decorated with a patch bearing a stylised crescent moon motif in white and black. Her arms are left almost entirely bare, showing a great deal of lithe muscle, ending in a pair of fingerless leather gloves.

The lower half of her body is even more sparsely accessorised. Her powerful legs go woefully unseen, covered by loose pants of unflattering black canvas, roomy enough to allow free movement without restricting speed. They cinch in at the ankles, where canvas gives way to tough elasticated cotton. Upon her feet, she wears similarly lightweight-but-durable sneakers, charcoal gray and coated in breathable mesh. Footwear chosen for ease and aerodynamics.

Lee Truart Short Description

This young girl came to one day in the middle of nowhere, and after much wandering began to discover she had a talent for only one thing. Battle. Kitting herself with armour and blade she set out to ply her trade as a mercenary, finding much success despite her diminutive stature. But these petty jobs didn't play well enough to her sadistic nature, and it wasn't long before she sought more steady employment among the military forces of Porre.



Metropolis Logs

ChronoMUCK Logs

Pre Unification Logs

Twisted Logs

Pre-Unification Background

Born in the doomed multidimensional city of Neo Tokyo, and raised to relative maturity by a close-knit group of martial artists on her father's homeworld, existence was never normal for Sammy Li-Bogard. But when she entered the legendary 'King of Fighters' tournament in her youth, life took a turn for the dramatic - and it has never slowed down since. This feline half-breed has lived in a series of alternate realities without ever truly settling down; she has served as a mercenary, she has fallen in love, saved and in turn been saved, she has acted as vessel for a misguided goddess, wielded power far beyond mortal reason... And she has died, more than once. But the walls of Hell itself could not hold her, and she has returned to the living - older, wiser, and completely alone. Bereft of family, lost to her friends, there yet remains one bond that persists throughout the multiversi. A bond that could reignite a dwindling flame, for better or for worse.

Current Timeline

Murdered at the hands of Tabitha, the last surviving clone of herself, Samantha died shortly before the new Timeline of Twisted began. Her corpse was hidden away by one of her oldest acquaintances and was crudely entombed in the courtyard of the city of Dis. Her body was eventually laid to rest with the help of the illusive Lain Iwakura.

Notable Aliases

For a time Samantha lived on Chronos as Lee Truart. She shed this persona shortly after coming to Twisted.

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